Women Gaming Communities Spotlight

Women Gaming Communities Spotlight
Discover women gaming communities spotlighted by us at MCProHosting!

Women Gaming Communities - Spotlight Introduction

Throughout the years, the gaming industry and game servers have been seeing a significant increase in the number of female gamers around the world. From a report by Newzoo, around 46% of all gamers in the United States are female gamers. Unfortunately, despite these numbers, there is still gender disparity within the gaming industry where women are often underrepresented. This includes underrepresentation in gaming development, esports, and streaming. Thankfully, organizations, gaming groups, and communities worldwide have been created to work towards helping support women in gaming. Through these, you can meet other gamers to play with and enjoy adventures together. Below, we’ll cover some of the best women gaming communities, groups, and organizations you can join, hang out with, and even play with on your own Minecraft server!

International Organization for Women Gaming

women gaming communities - Andre Hunter - female gamer

If you’re looking for an international organization that helps women gamers around the world, Women in Games International (WIGI) is the place for you. Women in Games International is a non-profit organization that focuses on advocating diversity and inclusion within the gaming industry. They accomplish this by providing networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and professional development resources for women in gaming. In addition, you can take part in their hosted events and workshops which promote gender equality and offer support in women gaming communities.

Canada-Based Women Empowerment Community

Another great group you can join that focuses on female empowerment is located in Canada, called The Pixelles. Focused on fostering a sense of community among female gamers, the Pixelles hosts events and meetups. On top of that, they organize workshops, mentorship programs, and best of all, game jams! Through these jams, women gamers can help each other to develop skills and pursue careers in gaming.

Gaming and Learning Focused Communities

Prefer to game or learn more about gaming? In addition to the communities that empower women gaming around the world, some groups focus on gaming and learning along the way. One such group is Girl Gamer Vogue, a community focused on providing a safe space for women who enjoy gaming. They do this by offering events, resources, and a focus where women can connect and share their gaming experiences.

Alongside gaming with others, some women gaming communities teach about the technologies and code education for girls wanting to develop their own games. Girls Who Code is one of those organizations, aimed at closing the gender gap in technology by teaching girls how to develop robust skills in that field. These groups ensure a safe and educational environment for female gamers to go toward their dream careers in gaming!

Women Esports Groups and Support

Alena Darmel - women gaming communities

For women gamers looking to pursue a career in competitive gaming, women's esports communities are also a powerful place to meet others and get involved. Groups such as Women in Esports is a program that includes resources and support for women wanting to get involved in esports. Some of these resources include mentorship programs, networking, and educational opportunities to ensure success for women in the industry.

Join a Community and Play with Women Gamers

Overall, there are many amazing communities, groups, and organizations dedicated to ensuring support, success, and empowerment for women in gaming. From resources to support, career opportunities, and the ability to connect with like-minded gamers. As the game industry continues to grow, we must continue to work towards creating a more inclusive and diverse industry that empowers women gaming. You can support women in gaming by joining these communities, meeting others like yourself, and gaming together on your own Minecraft server!

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