Hello everyone, and welcome to our news site! We are so glad you’re here!

On this site, you’ll find tons of information ranging from latest game updates and community events to projects we’re working on, and even some AMA’s!

So with that said, we’d love for our first article to be about the creation of our community Discord, how we built it, and why it was essential for us to do it right.

Discord Launch Teaser (July 2019)

At our core, we’ve always felt strongly about being directly involved with our community, so the idea of creating a Discord was an absolute no brainer. Now getting it made and off the ground was a different story!

The overall idea was to take our existing community and give them a place where they can feel good about owning a server with us. With that said, when we decided that it was time to create a central location for our community, we wanted to make sure we were going to provide three fundamental values:

  • Increased transparency between our staff and community
  • Faster overall assistance for our clients
  • Peer-to-peer support (both technical, and creative)

We pride ourselves in world-class server quality and support, so for this to work the way we wanted it too, we had to make sure that all three of those values would be available at launch, no questions asked. So with that, we hit the drawing board.

Beginning in early July, and lasting for a little less than two weeks, we scoured the internet, read many user comments, and visited quite a few other Discords to make sure that what we were going to provide, was what people wanted from a centralized community hub. Once we felt like we had enough knowledge and practical ideas under our belts, we started building.

The next steps were relatively quick and took only about one week to fully complete. Once everything was in order and the bots were all good to go, we launched our official Discord Community on July 20th, 2019.


– 22 channels

– Three bots

– Several memes

– And a build contest to kick things off

By the end of August we had over 500 members join, and 6,000+ messages sent. Our community loved it.

We have never been more proud to have created something for our community. A place where they can get the latest information on what we’re working on, a place where they can share their creations, and ask for help or suggestions — a home.

Thank you to everyone who joined our Discord so far! It’s been a great past few months and we couldn’t have done it without you! If you haven’t joined yet, we welcome you to become part of our family today!

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