Minecraft Cherry Blossom Biome Coming to 1.20 Update

Minecraft Cherry Blossom Biome Coming to 1.20 Update
Learn about the Minecraft Cherry Blossom Biome and more in the Minecraft Update 1.20!

Minecraft Cherry Blossom Biome - Update 1.20 Introduction

Minecraft 1.20 is just around the corner and the excitement is growing more and more as new features are announced. Yet another beautiful and elegant addition has been announced - a new biome known as the Minecraft cherry blossom biome. This Minecraft biome is packed with new cherry blossom trees, cherry blossom wood, and cherry saplings. You’ll be able to try these updates soon on your own Snapshot Minecraft server, where you can already try older 1.20 snapshots that feature new gear like armor trims. To be prepared for the new changes, you can see the changes and more features coming in Minecraft 1.20, and how you can install Snapshots on your Minecraft server!

Minecraft Cherry Blossom biome - Minecraft 1.20 update additions  

How to try features like the Minecraft Cherry Blossom Biome

The Minecraft cherry blossom biome is right around the corner. Once it releases, you’ll be able to install the latest Minecraft snapshot to experience it. Until then, you can still try previous Minecraft 1.20 updates within previous snapshots like 23w06a and 23w05a. Below, we’ll show you how to install a snapshot to your Minecraft server!

  1. Head to your Minecraft server panel and stop your server.
  2. Next, to the left under “Server Management”, click on “Switch Server Type”.
  3. Within the installer, search for “Snapshot”. You can now use the dropdown to select between the different Minecraft snapshots available. The latest snapshot will always be displayed at the top and selected by default.
  4. how to install a Minecraft Update 1.20 Snapshot to your server

  5. Afterward, press “Install Selected” to begin the installation.
  6. Finally, you’ll be asked if you want to delete any files. You can press “Install Snapshot” to complete the installation. While wiping your server files is not necessary, we recommend playing snapshots with a brand new world to experience features like new world generation, blocks, items, and mobs.

What else is coming in the Minecraft 1.20 Update?

Minecraft update 1.20 - Cherry Blossom biome at night  

The features coming in Minecraft 1.20 bring a lot to look forward to and it seems like it’ll be just as jam-packed as the Minecraft 1.19 update. To keep you up-to-date, here is everything we know about the Minecraft 1.20 update so far:

  • Minecraft Armor Trims - Utilize ores and improved Smithing Tables to customize armor with over 600+ different styles to try.
  • Sniffer in Minecraft - The winner of the Minecraft Live 2022 mob vote, the Sniffer is an ancient mob that was extinct until you find and hatch one of its eggs. Then, you can use the help of a Sniffer to find ancient seeds for new flower decorations.
  • Minecraft Archeology - Previously a feature that was expected to arrive in Minecraft 1.17, this feature brings suspicious sand, a brush, pottery shards, and more.
  • Hanging signs in Minecraft - A new way for players to provide directions, label blocks/items, and more. Plus, they look amazing!
  • Minecraft Bamboo Wood and Rafts - In addition to cherry blossom wood, bamboo wood is coming to Minecraft alongside rafts.
  • Chiseled Bookshelves - Finally adding use to the bookshelf block, with chiseled bookshelves you will be able to store books and enchanted books.
  • Minecraft Camels - An assortment of mobs are expected to arrive in Minecraft 1.20 and that includes camels. Gentle humpback desert creatures, two players will be able to ride a camel at the same time!

Get Your Snapshot Minecraft Server!