Insiders - The latest Exclusive Minecraft Mini game for

Insiders - The latest Exclusive Minecraft Mini game for

We’re proud to announce our latest and greatest, Exclusive Minecraft Mini game Insiders!


is a Minecraft minigame created by and SparkUniverse. The latest in our exclusive line of Minecraft Minigames Insiders has been a fantastic creation process where we can confidently say this is our best Minigame yet!

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What is Insiders?
Insiders is a role deduction game in which a group of players are put against ‘Insiders’ trying to sabotage the group’s efforts.
The gameplay is divided into 2 phases, Task phases and Discussion phases
Task Phase
The task phase is the time players are free to move around the map, this is also the time the crew are expected to do their tasks and is also the time the Insiders can use to kill crew members and cause sabotages. During this phase players cannot use voice communications externally or use chat in game
This phase lasts indefinitely but is ended when a player either reports another player’s dead body or starts an emergency gathering from the map’s meeting area.
Discussion Phase
When a discussion phase begins all players are moved to the meeting area. This is the time players are given to talk and discuss what has happened. The player that reports the body is given a badge next to their name to signify that they are the meeting caller.
After a brief delay players are given the ability to cast a vote on another player, the player with the highest amount of votes at the end of the discussion phase is killed. This phase is timed and ends regardless of if votes are cast.
The Roles
The crew win if all of their tasks are collectively completed OR if all insiders are killed
Doesn’t know anybody’s role
Is given a selection of tasks to complete
Cannot kill anybody
The insiders win when they make up 50% or more of the players left in the game OR if a timed sabotage finishes.
Knows who any other Insiders are
Is given no tasks to complete
Can kill other players on a cooldown.
What are the player requirements for Insiders?
4-10 players.
How much does Insiders cost?
Only a $1.00 one time fee.
Are you a MCProHosting Minecraft customer?
Simply go to your server panel > MCPro Minigames > Insiders.


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