How to Get the Most Out of Your Minecraft Server!

How to Get the Most Out of Your Minecraft Server!

how to get the most our of your minecraft server

Today we come to you with an article about a few ideas to try on your Minecraft server to get the most out of it! 🔥

Read on to learn a few easy tips to improve your gameplay experience regardless of if you’re playing solo or with the whole squad! 

📦 Install a Modpack

One of the oldest traditions, when Minecraft got stale, has been to check out our friends over at Technic, ATLauncher, and FTB to find the perfect modpack to spice up your next block based endeavor! Best of all, it’s as easy as 1.. 2.. 3..! 

Step 1: Track down your ideal modpack and make note of the platform it’s on!

Step 2: Head to OneControlCenter, find the Replace text with icon option, then search for your desired modpack! Once located all you have to do is click install! 

Step 3: Download the specific launcher (The chart below will help you out 👇), search for your modpack, then you just need to click install! 

Where was your Modpack found? Launcher Needed
CurseForge Twitch Desktop App
Technic Technic Desktop Client
ATLauncher ATL Desktop App

➕ Datapacks for days! 

Don’t worry those who want to preserve the Vanilla Minecraft experience but are dying for a few quality of life improvements… We see you and we’re here to help! How is this possible? Let’s find out!

Head over to VanilliaTweaks for some of the best and easiest to use datapacks to get started! Check out what they have to offer and if you like one or all of them click on the respective icons. (Tip: You’ll know its working if they are starting to list on the right side as seen below)

Showcase how to use Vanilla Tweaks.

From there give the orange download button a click and save the compressed file somewhere you can find it!

Head to your OneControlCenter dashboard, make your way into your FTP File Access, click that awesome world you’ve been working on, open the datapacks folder, upload your compressed (.zip) file and give the server a restart!

Optional: Head to the console and type “datapack list enabled” to ensure they’re all working properly. 

Congratulations you’ve made your world even better as if that was possible! 

🔌 The Wide World of Minecraft Plugins

Ah, plugins, those magical additions to servers that date back as far as we can remember. What better way to not only optimize your Minecraft server but also have some fun with it! Below you’ll find a list curated by us for you!

  • GroupManager: Permissions – This is your good old permissions plugin which also allows you to have ranks. (Although it is not available on BukGet, it is downloadable from the Essentials wiki(for 1.7 and below) and from Spigot(for 1.8+)!
  • Essentials: Miscellaneous Server Functionality – This plugin is packed with loads of commands and functionality such as: warps, tp’ing, spawn, homes, kits, banning/kicking, mob spawning, colored signs, and more! So you will definitely need this plugin no matter what server type you want. Availability: 1.7 and below.
  • EssentialsX: Miscellaneous Server Functionality – This is the Essentials plugin, updated for 1.8+ servers. The permissions and commands are identical. Availability: 1.8 – 1.13+.
  • WorldEdit: World Manipulation – It’s an easy-to-use in-game world editor for every server.  It has no impact on your server when not in use. Check out the World Edit wiki for more information. 
  • WorldGuard: World Protection – is a powerful plugin providing all the little things (and some big ones), and it protects your servers from various problems. *Requires WorldEdit. Check out the WorldGuard wiki for more information. 

A special shoutout to our partner sk89q, the developer of WorldEdit and WorldGuard!

If you need helping with installing plugins our knowledgebase article should help!
From all of us at MCProHosting, thank you for checking out this article and we invite you to check out our other articles on the Hub! 


Beepers uwu

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