DarkRPG Server Hosting – Guide

DarkRPG Server Hosting – Guide
Explore a world filled with magic and technology with DarkRPG Server Hosting!

DarkRPG Server Hosting – Modpack Introduction

Prepare for an epic magical adventure with your friends in DarkRPG server hosting. The wondrous DarkRPG modpack is uniquely packed with everything you need for an adventurous and magical journey with friends. There are quests, performance-boosting mods, custom menus, exotic weapons, spells, machines, and more to try. The adventures you’ll experience will take you through unique worlds too, many having creatures never seen before in Minecraft. You can learn more about the DarkRPG modpack and how to install and play it on your Minecraft server by following the steps below!

How to Get DarkRPG Server Hosting

Before starting an adventure with magic and wizards in DarkRPG, you’ll need to ensure your server has enough RAM to run at its best. A good starting point on the amount of RAM you need for a small group of players is 6GB, but it’s recommended to eventually upgrade to at least 8GB of RAM as your world grows. To upgrade your server with more RAM, you can easily do so within your MCProHosting client area.

  1. Firstly, head to your Minecraft server panel and stop your server.
  2. Then, look to the left under “Server Management” and click on “Switch Server Type”.
  3. DarkRPG server hosting modpack install guide

  4. Afterward, use the Search to find the “DarkRPG” modpack server type. Then, press “Install Selected”.
  5. how to install DarkRPG modpack files

  6. Lastly, to complete the installation you’ll need to select any files you’d like to delete from your Minecraft server. We recommend taking a backup and then clearing all of your server files. After you do this, you can press “Install DarkRPG” to finish the modpack installation. Your server will now be ready with the DarkRPG server modpack for you and your friends!

Journey into a Magical RPG with Friends

In the wizarding world, there are many features to aid you in your quest to become all-powerful. Features like new dimensions, magic, technology, and questing that reward you as you progress. One of the most powerful features is the magical system, surrounding the mods Thaumcraft and Botania. With these mods, a wide range of spells and rituals are included that players can use to explore, battle mobs, and interact with the world. The worlds are quite magical too, with custom dimensions from Twilight Forest, the Betweenlands, and the Aether each with its own biomes, resources, and mobs to meet!

Alongside the magical worlds that surround the DarkRPG modpack, technology and machines are included from the EnderIO mod to deck out your server. These machines come in many shapes and sizes, from high-tech computers to power generators, and pipes, all used to build complex automated systems to help you and your server players. This means creating factories is a possibility, really enhancing the collecting and transporting of modded items you’ll find throughout this pack. With the challenges, magic, and technology that brings with them unlimited possibilities, what magical mayhem will you create on your own DarkRPG server?

Wondrous DarkRPG Server Gameplay Features

  • Spells, new blocks, and flowers, all added with the Minecraft Botania mod
  • More spells, dimensions, and mobs inside the Thaumcraft mod
  • Even more magical fun and rituals with the Blood Magic mod
  • High-tech machinery, generators, and more with the EnderIO mod
  • An upgraded and improved Nether and End world to explore
  • A new world from the Aether mod, adding sky-based floating islands
  • Dynamic difficulty system that adjusts based on player’s progress and choices
  • FPS performance boosts thanks to Sodium, Lithium, Ferritecore, and more

Get your DarkRPG Server Hosting!