An Update from our Executive Director Regarding COVID-19

An Update from our Executive Director Regarding COVID-19

COVID-19 MCProHosting Letter


Dear MCProHosting community,


At MCProHosting, we are committed to providing you, our customers, with global, unparalleled support. Given the dynamic situation surrounding COVID-19, we wanted to inform you of some possible changes that could affect specific support channels in the coming days.


First, we want to reassure you that we have a precise business continuity plan, which leverages our server infrastructure and support channels to ensure support will continue to be provided should any of our locations be impacted. Our continuity plan has many circumstances into consideration, including how we help our customers, as well as protect our team so they can be available to help. We have also tested our continuity plans to ensure business continuity while maintaining security compliance.


Second, if our support team is severely affected, we may shift or reduce some help options temporarily. Such services include LiveChat, Ticket Support, and Discord Support. Any service changes will be posted across our social media and News Hub, so please make sure you’re following us for the latest news (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Discord). Our support team is terrific and is comprised of talented individuals from all over the world. They are also taking precautionary measures so they can continue providing you with help when you need it most.


As always, it is our commitment to provide you with the best support possible during this unpredictable time.


Thank you,

Pedro Esparza

Executive Director
